Friday, 23 January 2015


This is a quick sketch of a program I was watching trying to get key movements to show what was happening in the show. I did it too light though I need to buy some heavier pencils, even 6B doesn't seem to help

This is a sketch of my friend while we were doing work in the library. Some proportions are off but overall it was alright considering how much he was moving.

Quick sketches

These are more quick sketches they are ones I did when I had the time or when I wanted to try a new technique like spirals to help from the leg.

Quick drawings

I challenged myself to do drawings in a minute to see how quickly I can get the detail down and so I'm not as protective of my drawings. I need to do this more often to improve.

Self portrait

This is a self portrait I did off of a picture I took. I wanted to use a mirror but it's a bit difficult in my flat to get a mirror. Next time I will try to find a usable for this. I think the placement of the eyes are a bit off but otherwise I quite like this picture.


These are simple drawings focusing on clothing I wanted to focus more on the shape of the clothing and not on the detail, at least not until we had longer to work on the pieces I'm happy with the shapes I got down. The problem was I ignored other shapes and let the proportions get skewed in the process.

Hero poses

We drew poses akin to that in comics for superheroes, we also inserted our own characters into the positions, so we could see how our heroes would look.

We got given three words to describe a hero I got Orange Dog Boy, we turned it into our own hero using the pose in front of us and then turned into into a small step by step story.

This is my hero I based it on my friend, using the powers he likes but the problem is it turned out like Green Arrow I need to stray away from my comic book knowledge a bit to vary this kind of work up.

Drawing out the window

This is a drawing of what I could see from out of the window at uni, I tried to get the main shapes of the objects as apposed to the actual detail. I could have spent longer on this and it really shows.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Task 1

Here is my animation for task one, were I have two objects interacting. This was not the original plan I had put in place for myself, I had to change from a bottle to a box due to time restraints. This meant I had to change how the interaction went somewhat. So I exaggerated certain aspects of what happened like bounces when the box dropped.

 I am quite happy with this piece, but in future I need to manage my time a lot better, even with the troubles I have had my time management has been terrible. I do feel that during the main collision it feels a bit slow as the ball is on top of the box as much as I wanted a little bit of hang there it feels slightly too long. I have used the knowledge of my class mates to help me where I have struggled in using maya, I do enjoy using maya as much as it can annoy and frustrate me sometimes. Hopefully I will improve as I continue to use it.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Final piece

This is the storyboard for heroine where a helpful girl ends up helping rob a bank. The main problem I had with this is it doesn't necessarily require animation. I tried a few ideas in passing of how to make it so it would, but they seemed as though they would be shoe horned in or lose the idea of what I was going for.

Character concepts

Thee are a couple of character concepts I did.

This is a reference photo for the samurai pizza robot and how the idea came about.

This is the final design for the character I wanted it to have a bit of a menacing feel to it, hence the dark face and red eyes. The only thing is I felt the character was lacking something but I couldn't figure out what so I left it so I could return to it later without overdoing it.

These are the concepts for Harriet the character in 'Heroine' who I also used in 'Dark Times' as well. I wanted it to be a female early on just because I have always struggled drawing them so this was more so I could improve myself over anything else. She is based on a mixture of comic styles and friends I know. I was also trying out this bring out the bottom lip thing and in some places it worked in others not so much.