- A robot opens up a pizzeria
- Serves many customers
- A new pizza place opens across the road
- Huge queue outside the new place
- Original robot sees the owner of the new place is a robot
- Old robot challenges new one to a battle in the street
- The battle ends with the first robot cutting the new one with a pizza cutter
- Original robot stands triumphant
Dark Times:
- Main character in waiting room
- Doctor walks in and looks down
- Colour fades as Character stand next to a body covered on a bed
- Character walks and sits at a tree
- Days and nights pass by in the background
- Character gets up and walks into town
- As they walk through town they see people around being happy, especially a mother and child
- They walk into a cemetery stands and looks at as gravestone
- They fall to their knees tears in their eyes
- After a while they get up and put their hand on the gravestone
- Mouths 'I miss you' and walks away with a smile
- Harriet walks down the street with a smile on her face
- Someone drops some documents in front of her
- She them up and gives them to the person and continues on her way
- She arrives at the bank
- Three guys in black run through as she opens the door
- She then follows them in
- A bank clerk is being robbed by one and the other two are stealing from customers
- She walks up to the two men to ask what's going on
- They tell her that they were just getting their stuff back
- She tries to be helpful by robbing the rest of the people
- The man on his own shouts and they run to the door
- Harriet opens the door for them
- The robbers run away and the police stop Harriet
- She's confused for a few seconds then realises what's happened
These were the ideas I took and presented to the group albeit a bit more fleshed out here, but the feedback I got was good I made changes to accompany it. If not represented here it is in my sketchbook in the notes I made. The Idea I'm going to go with is the Heroine one as it was voted by the class.
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