Wednesday, 20 May 2015

5 Theories of Montage

Metric - Cuts based on the length of the shot or frame. Can be timed with beats or bars in music. Commonly used in music videos.

Rhythmic - Cuts based on shot content, used to create visual continuity.

Tonal - Edits based on the mood of the shot. Used to create a reaction from the audience.

Over-tonal - A combination of the previous three editing techniques.

Intellectual - Where one image is juxtaposed with another to create a new meaning.

Soviet Theory of Montage

The soviet theory of montage is the idea that depending where clips of film are placed can change how an audience perceives the series of events. One of the examples is an actor being shown before a few clips, depending on the clip would determine how the audience saw the emotion of the actor.

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