Sunday, 18 October 2015

Character Development - Original Character idea

I started by drawing random people in public and trying to get some mannerisms. I saw someone who his a lot behind their fringe and seemed to be quite shy. So I got a couple of quick sketches. Also I need to work on quick sketches, and be less precious about my lines I take way to long and it loses energy and commitment. I will stick to using pens in my sketchbook when I'm out and about so I can't just erase lines I don't like and hopefully that will capture the energy I need.

After I got those sketches I started to combine it with how I imagined shy girls to dress. Wrapped up not showing much, possibly quite baggy clothes. I used a friend back home who is quite shy as a basis for the clothes worn. most extremities would be covered unless absolutely necessary, I tried to stick as close to that as I could.

The character I created is called Kim. She is fairly shy and rather introverted. She would prefer to speak through her hand and avoid eye contact over anything else. most of her hands are cover by her sleeves as she is fairly short. She has brightly coloured hair, but it's mainly covered up as she has her hood up most of the time. Almost always wears a hoody if she can so she can hide it in if she gets embarrassed, which happens a lot. She also covers her face often, which generally results in her pushing her glasses into her face. She speaks softly almost to a point of a whisper so no one picks up on what she says so she doesn't have to worry about an outcome. 

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