Monday, 19 October 2015

Character Development Week 1

In this module we will be covering how to create believable characters and the processes that go with it. We started by listening to 'A Well Respected Man' by The Kinks and discussed what image the lyrics made us think of. 

I thought the character would be something like a 1960's suited gangster that was very smug and full of himself. Though as we heard other people's versions of the character and how they were different it showed that everyone gets a different idea from the same piece.

We then split into groups and designed a character based on an image. We cam up with the Idea of a Bear who was a Mafia boss, and wanted to be a chef. It all got convoluted and was hard to follow the feedback we got was there was some good ideas but ultimately it just didn't mesh we needed to be more streamlined in our ideas and not so out there.

Another Idea we had but we didn't present was a trans gendered girl that struggles with who they are and seeks recognition for who they are. I felt like the idea made sense there was conflict it wasn't to far out there it meshed together but the group wasn't as sure on it as me so we didn't use it.

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